European IPv6 TF IPv6 Cluster
Too bad ... using IPv4 from


Detailed list of all the IETF documents contributed by Consulitel.


IPv6 Operations Working Group (v6ops)



  • IPv6 Tunnel End-point Automatic Discovery Mechanism (draft-palet-v6ops-solution-tun-auto-disc)
    v01 October 2004
    v00 September 2004
    html versions


Broadband Access Networks


Enterprise Analysis and Scenarios
  • RFC4852: IPv6 Enterprise Network Analysis - IP Layer 3 Focus
  • IPv6 Enterprise Networks Analysis (draft-ietf-v6ops-ent-analysis)
    v07 December 2006
    v06 June 2006
    v05 May 2006
    v04 July 2005
    v03 July 2005
    v02 June 2005
    v01 January 2005
    v00 September 2004
    html versions



Forwarding Protocol 41 in NAT Boxes


Guidelines for Numbering IPv6 Point-to-Point Links
  • Guidelines for Numbering IPv6 Point-to-Point Links and Easing the Addressing Plans (draft-palet-v6ops-point2point)
    v00 June 2006
    v00 February 2006
    html versions


Internet Exchange


IPv6 Tunneling/Encapsulation Terminology
  • 6in4 versus 6over4 terminology (draft-palet-v6ops-6in4-vs-6over4)
    v01 November 2005
    v00 October 2005
    html versions


ISP Analysis and Scenarios


  • Scenarios for Introducing IPv6 into ISP Networks (draft-lind-v6ops-isp-scenarios)
    v01 October 2003
    v00 June 2003
    html versions


  • Distributed Security Framework (draft-vives-v6ops-distributed-security-framework)
    v00 July 2005
    html versions


  • Distributed Security Framework (draft-vives-distsec-framework)
    v00 August 2005
    html versions




  • IPv6 Transition/Co-existence Security Considerations (draft-ietf-v6ops-security-overview)
    v06 October 2006
    v05 August 2006
    v04 March 2006
    v03 October 2005
    v02 July 2005
    html versions


Survey of IPv4 Address


v6tc Tunneling Configuration


Zero-Configuration Tunneling
  • Goals for Zero-Configuration Tunneling (draft-nielsen-v6ops-zeroconf-goals)
    v01 September 2004
    v00 August 2004
    html versions


  • Zero-Configuration Tunneling Requirements (draft-suryanarayanan-v6ops-zeroconf-reqs)
    v01 October 2004
    v00 October 2004
    html versions


  • Goals for Zero-Configuration Tunneling in 3GPP (draft-nielsen-v6ops-3GPP-zeroconf-goals)
    v00 October 2004
    html versions - n/a


Benchmarking Methodology Working Group (bmwg)


  • Device Reset Characterization (draft-asati-bmwg-reset)
    v02 January
    v01 December 2009
    v00 Novermber 2009
    html versions


Multihoming in IPv6 Working Group (multi6)


Remote Network Monitoring Working Group (rmonmib)


Softwires Working Group (softwire)
Problem Statement
  • RFC4925: Softwire Problem Statement
  • Softwire Problem Statement (draft-ietf-softwire-problem-statement)
    v03 March 2007
    v02 May 2006
    v01 February 2006
    v00 December 2005
    html versions


Solution Proposals
  • Automatic Tunneling Setup for/with IPv6 (draft-palet-softwires-ats6)
    v01 January 2006
    v00 October 2005
    html versions


  • Softwires Hub & Spoke Deployment Framework with L2TPv2 (draft-ietf-softwire-hs-framework-l2tpv2)
    v03 February 2007
    v02 November 2006
    v01 August 2006
    v00 June 2006
    html versions


Other Contributions


  • Goals for Registered Assisted Tunneling (draft-ietf-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements)
    v01 October 2004
    html versions


  • IETF Administrative Support Functions (draft-malamud-consultant-report-01)
    v01 September 2004
    html versions


  • IETF Meeting Network and Other Technical Requirements (draft-palet-ietf-meeting-network-requirements)
    v00 February 2006
    html versions


  • IETF Meeting Venue Selection Criteria (draft-palet-ietf-meeting-venue-selection-criteria)
    v04 January 2006
    v03 December 2005
    v02 November 2005
    v01 October 2005
    v00 July 2005
    html versions


  • Standards, What Standards? (draft-loughney-what-standards)
    v01 February 2004
    html versions



v6ops Web Pages